Clinton Otse

Hi, I'm Clinton

A Software Engineer and Product Designer

About Me

Clinton Otse is a creative, design-savvy, technical, passionate full stack web developer and product designer. He is very skilled in HTML, CSS, javaScript, and in MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, Node) stack development. He brings a range of art and design disciplines to every project he works on. His passion for software lies with brainstorming ideas and making them come true with elegant interfaces.

He takes great care in the experience, architecture, and code quality of the things he build. He is excited to blend his product design experience and knowledge of front end, with the inner workings of database and back end development, to become a highly sought after node.js engineer.

Here are some of my works

Random Quote Machine
Drum Machine
Markdown Previewer
Technical Doc. Page
Survey Form
Product Landing Page

Let's work together today

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